JAMES K. MCCULLY,  President  &  General Director

US Capitol

Washington - A Renaissance City

In the past ten years, Washington, D. C. has emerged as a world class city in terms of its cultural life. In downtown Washington the renaissance can be seen in a wide variety of cultural institutions and activities available to the public, the elegance of urban planning, the vitality of the public spaces and the fine quality of the restaurants and retail establishments.

Under the guidance of the Pennsylvania Development Corporation, the National Capitol Planning Commission and local government agencies in the surrounding suburbs, the metropolitan area has been revitalized through mixed use projects, historic preservation, new developments and public sector partnerships. Cultural institutions including the Washington Opera, the Kennedy Center, Wolf Trap Farm Park, the Smithsonian Institution and the National Gallery of Art have emerged as major forces in the city's cultural life. At the same time, new links between federal and city agencies, the business community, universities, the public, artists and arts organizations have given the nation's capital a new vitality and cultural richness.

Opera Music Theater International, located in the greater Washington D. C. area, fills a unique role in this cultural renaissance by serving as the area's first international showcase for the best opera and music theater performances, conferences, competitions and training programs. Through its international programs, Opera Music Theater International is developing new links between the diplomatic community, arts organizations, universities, the business community and the public. Opera Music Theater International fills a special need in the Washington/Baltimore/Richmond area by presenting a wide range of international activities through the Opera Music Theater Institute, the Opera Music Theater Ensemble, the Opera Music Theater Fellowships, Opera Music Theater Works, the Opera Music Theater International Newsletter and the Bravo Awards. Opera Music Theater International develops international conferences, conventions, competitions and training programs for artists, managers and cultural officials in a nonpartisan effort to encourage renewed interest in cultural exchanges and cultural diplomacy. In these activities, Opera Music Theater International will work closely with other private organizations in the Washington/ Baltimore/ Richmond area including the major opera and music theater organizations, schools of music, foundations and corporations.

As a catalyst to increase cultural education, Opera Music Theater International offers a unique program of cross-cultural learning and creative expression, presenting a broad range of performances, public services and educational activities, with classes from renowned instructors from around the country, as well as national and international artists.

Old Post Office Pavilion

Washington-An International City

From its earliest days, Washington has been an international city, hosting a growing community of foreign diplomats, business men, scholars and immigrants. There are now over 152 embassies or consulates located in the Washington/Baltimore/Richmond area, and the international community is estimated in the thousands.

As an international capital, Washington has a major cultural as well as diplomatic role to play. However, Washington has only recently begun to take it rightful place on the world stage. In recent years, major cultural institutions including the Hirshorn Museum, Corcoran Gallery, and the Renwick Gallery have enriched the city's cultural life with important international exhibitions. International performing arts events have also been presented by the Washington Opera, the Kennedy Center, Wolf Trap Farm Park, Arena Stage and the Smithsonian Institution. Audiences for these international activities are generally large. However, these international programs have been sporadic.

The Federal government has also played an important role in developing the public's interest in international cultural events. Beginning in the early 1980s, the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities developed a series of international activities in cooperation with a number of embassies and private organizations in Washington, D. C. and other United States cities.

For the opening events of these activities, the White House and major Washington cultural institutions joined with embassies and the National Endowments in presenting activities ranging from major exhibitions and performances to scholarly seminars and fireworks displays. Capacity audiences were attracted in Washington and other cities, indicating that there is a widespread and eager audience for international programming.

Foreign governments and embassies in Washington, D. C. have recognized and welcomed the growing interest of the American public in international cultural presentations. Recently, several embassies have explored ideas for major national festivals and many others are planning smaller scale cultural events throughout the United States.

Opera Music Theater International--An International Showcase

With the inauguration of Opera Music Theater International, there is at last a major cultural organization dedicated to international opera and music theater events.

Opera Music Theater International showcases the finest international and United States performing artists representing the classic opera and music theater as well as emerging new American works. Opera Music Theater International serves as the Washington/Baltimore/Richmond metropolitan area as an institution for international conferences, artists training programs, competitions and premieres of new American works. Special efforts will be made to involve embassies, corporations, foundations, universities, school systems and numerous community groups in planning and implementing Opera Music Theater International's programs.

Opera Music Theater International recognizes a national need to make these performances and other international events available to a broad American public, and plans to develop a national network of opera and musical theater organizations interested in enhancing their international activities. Opera Music Theater International functions as a liaison between embassies, performance locations and community presenters throughout the United States and will arrange opera and music theater performances and lecture tours to communities not often reached by embassy programs or commercial tours.

Opera Music Theater International serves as a national resource for the United States and other nations in celebrating excellence in the opera and musical theater fields.

Opera Music Theater International offers a number of programs: